Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey guys! remember when i was in that fun, yet wildly inappropriate show I was in this summer??? Well, guess who is in the FULL LENGTH VERSION OF IT NEXT MONTH????

no. its not natalie portman. this may have been the only role she turned down this year as she obviously said yes to anything and everything else.

It's Me!
so... ya know... come see it!
HOLLER! The Backwoods Musical
Feb 24-26 at the 45th St. Theatre
buy tickets here!

Friday, November 12, 2010

"I do it for the joy it brings, because I'm a joyful girl"

it has been over a month since i've lasted posted. a MONTH, i say. that is totally insane. I'm not really enjoying that part of my grown up job, but that's pretty much all i've posted about since i've started my grown up job- how i don't have time to blog. so i won't write about that again. except for the fact that i just did.

what you have missed in the past one month of my life:

i am a famous actress. i'm rehearsing not one but TWO plays. i'm very excited about both. one of the plays was featured on this website. that's right... off OFF broadway world dot com. What is that you say? you already have that website bookmarked because you love off off broadway theatre so much??? you...

the other play just started rehearsals this week, so no website write ups on off off broadway world... YET. but i think that its going to rock your socks off. stay tuned. its a full length play of the short play i did in the Cringe Fest this summer. sweeeet, riiiight?

I must admit... its a weird place in my acting career to be in right now. I'm keeping busy-- which is awesome. i feel like i'm making some big strides in this industry. however, i am still not making enough $$$ to support myself as an actor, so I am still working full time. damn is it exhausting. but like i said, staying busy in this business is something to be very grateful for. and i am. who needs money anyway.

Thanks to my super cool brother (@adny), I now have my own Casey Nicole Wright TRADING CARDS!!!!! if you want one, just send me a self address envelope. and a stamp. and a dollar. i'll even autograph it if i decide i like you. i'm kidding about the dollar. but it would be nice if you sent me money anyway.

i want to be a rockstar. who wants to go to Korean karaoke sometime soon? i've got the itch...

I was recently named the Fire Warden of the 39th floor of the Empire State Building. PRETTY BIG DEAL! I asked if i get a badge. I don't.

Blogees, you've missed out on a TON of subway fun this past month because i DON'T KNOW HOW TO TURN THE CAMERA NOISE OFF MY NEW PHONE, and therefore cannot slyly sneak in a picture of an unsuspecting stranger. i would have loved to have shown you the 37 year old exact replica of harry potter, and the guy who was carrying bags full of cans that were stacked together and tied up that in a matter that was taller and at least twice as wide as the man himself and the man who was wearing cowboy boots, tan corduroy pants, a tan suede fringe jacket, and a daniel boone fur hat- but with a blue feather, which was quite a lovely touch at 8:00am on a random friday. but i can't. because no one has fixed my sound settings. i hold all of you responsible for my lack of pictures to post in this entry. except for the one i posted above this paragraph.

question. are Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett the same person? which reminds me of something else i would like to know; How has the story of Johnny Appleseed survived this long? it has no bearing on anything even remotely relevant. yet has been passed down from generation to generation for far too long. how is it being taught in public schools? I don't know the Capital of South Dakota, I can only name 3 countries in Africa, I've never read A Tale of Two Cities, and yet i know the story of Johnny Appleseed. Thank you County Meadows Elementary School.

Back to me being famous because it's my favorite thing to talk about. and write about. I was googling myself the other day (duh) and found out that a video i made while i was living with Bridget and Tim about our apt has been picked up by TWO different websites.
AND I don't know why a fitness/weight loss site picked up our video. but i'm glad they did. I also have been friends with Bridget for 6 YEARS and never knew she had an album available on CD baby. or that she had an irish accent. There's also a link to this very blog on an Architectural Interior Construction site on a list of "nicole wright" links. HOW WEIRD.

like i should be judging other people's blog. I blog about the irrelevance of Johnny Appleseed.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I've always depended on the kindness of strangers

Yesterday, while walking to the subway from my chiropractor's appointment, a stranger turned to me and said "don't marry for love."

I was waiting for a for the light to change at 48th and 5th. This was a well dressed 'business man' in midtown (aka corporate central for those of you unfamiliar with the likings of the big city).

I turned to him with a smile and said "good to know. i'll have to keep that in mind."

He replied "They're both going to break your heart. the poor guy will break your heart. so will the rich one-- but at least you'll walk away with some money."

the man has a point. luckily, i've never really planned on marrying for love anyway. I've always intended my first marriage to be devoted completely to my weekend at daddy's plan. hence the entire blog. Random man on 48th and 5th at 7:00 on a Tuesday evening, I am one step ahead of you.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

baby's got blue skies up ahead

nothing, i repeat nothing can make your commute home more enjoyable than this:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wuv, Twu Wuv

August 25, 2010
Dear Blog,

One day we will be together again and we will frolic in the meadow and go parasailing and go star gazing and climb a mountain and see the Eiffel Tour and find bear paw prints in the mud and feed each other chocolate covered strawberries and laugh at ugly people together and sip on champagne and get married and have babies and live happily ever after, just like this lovely couple.

However, until you start pulling your weight financially in this relationship, i'm stuck at my day job all day long with no time to spend with you. Do your part, blog.

With love to the moon and back
forever and for always your girl
Casey Nicole

**special thanks to Alex for finding the pic

Monday, August 9, 2010

If i can make it here, i can make it anywhere

the other day on my early morning commute to work, the woman standing next to me suddenly, and without warning


Blogger, that's your largest font? you've got to be kidding me!

She then looked up at me and casually, quietly, politely said "i'm sorry." as if maybe she had stepped on my foot trying to get to a seat. I said "it’s ok" even though it’s not and took a step away from the pile of vomit. Although i should have just taken one for the team and stood by it the rest of the ride considering it was already covering one foot and had splashed onto the other.

I really had no f'ing clue what to do. i could have very easily thrown up right back at her, or cried. but instead, i instinctively laughed. not really at her, just quietly to myself. because there was vomit on my shoe and i was still 2 stops and short walk and an 39 floor elevator ride from my office. She's really lucky i'm so non-violent and have a strong stomach and passive aggressive and relatively nice.

When i got to my office, i went to the bathroom where i promptly threw away my shoes and washed my feet in the sink. i was wearing a skirt that was too short to put my feet in the sink-- something you never really consider when buying a skirt.

I guess overall it was worth it. 15 mins of vomit on my foot for a story that will last a lifetime. i'll take it. The most disappointing thing for me is that i had always imagined if someone was going to throw up on my shoes, it would be Kid Rock.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My brother in law is cooler than your brother in law.

I am lucky enough to have a sister lucky enough to have married this phenomenally talented musician, Mr. Adam Pedersen. Here's a video from his last show. its so freaking goooood!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

so this post doesn't have a title. big whoop. wanna fight about it?

I've had a very busy month of july. new job, family emergency, pet emergency, rehearsing 3 shows. i've been a busy girl. yet... really nothing to write about. how does that happen? my mind is too busy memorizing my lines, learning my duties at work, grieving over my cat and stressing about my father to entertain me?!?!? GET IT TOGETHER, BRAIN! i need you to be funny to me all the time or my life sucks.

heehee. duties at work. get it? like pooping in your place of employment? OR like poopoo that HAS a job and is currently doing it! yeah, that's a better mental image. lets go with that.

the good news is i really like everything i'm doing. ok i didn't "like" my dad being in the hospital, that's just cruel. But i did like spending time with my family.

OH here's a funny story! So i was standing on a packed train Monday morning on my way to work, sitting directly in front of me was a gentlemen in his 30's. Enter: Beautiful woman in her late 20's with long brown hair to my right. aka, not directly in front of this gentleman. He tries to get my attention, which he does because i am standing directly in front of him, i take out my earphone and he asks me to nudge the beautiful lady to get her attention, because she is not standing directly in front of him and is looking the other way. She then turns to him and he says to her "would you like to sit down?" and offers her his seat. She declines. they go back to their business. i pause while my brain processes the emotions i am feeling. Ok...i may not be a supermodel, but i am a model. just kidding. but my self esteem was bruised. i was SO astonished. So I gave them both dirty looks. which is when i realize the beautiful girl was pregnant. PHEW. offering a girl a seat because she's preggo is TOTALLY acceptable, and even admirable. offering a girl a seat because she's prettier than me is not ok. I guess that's not really a funny story in all actuality. it was a funny story for the 5 minutes i felt like shit about myself. maybe i should have just left it at that.

also this:Thanks to Kelheen for sending that to me.

OK, everyone. time to get on with your day.

Monday, June 28, 2010

c'est la V

THANK GOODNESS someone read my blog and listened to my concern about how absolutely pointless the V train is... and as of yesterday, it will no longer be wasting my time.

my next problem with the MTA... when you make the change the M train (which now heads into midtown just in time for me to start my new job in the empire state building... which of course i think is great) to the orange line, when it's in brooklyn, on the J line, it looks absolutely terrible next to the brown. really, really bad. ugh... you were THIS close to having it right, MTA.

also, you neglected to answer a lot of other questions i had about the subway system. but i'll be patient.

Now on to the pedestrians of NYC. i can't even begin to tell you how much i hate you. but let me just offer at least this much advice. if you are a slow walker, that's fine. i understand. i'm from the midwest too, and at one point was a tourist. However. Don't walk in big groups that take up the entire sidewalk, your huge suitcase should stay directly behind you instead of taking up the entire sidewalk, and you should try to walk in a straight line instead of weaving back and forth taking up the entire sidewalk. I don't know if you realize this, but these cardinal sins of side-walking make it so i can NEVER get around you. its rude. I know you think New Yorkers are rude for sometimes being vocal about your interference, but we have jobs to go to. I mean.. i'm still too much of a polite young lady from the midwest to be vocal about this-- but just know, i am hating you in my brain.

'lady.' GOD i'm funny.

OH i almost forgot. best part of the new subway changes is at 14th and 6th....

How amazing is that? NYmag reports that they're changing it. I strongly urge you, MTA to not make such a mistake. this sign will brighten my day 100% of the time.

at least its memory will be preserved here. in my blog. forever.